Tag archives: Twitter

Simple Show of Respect Receives Bigoted Comments from UKIP sympathiser
December 26, 2015 By Tell Mama

Simple Show of Respect Receives Bigoted Comments from UKIP sympathiser

A simple tweet from the Rochdale MP, Simon Danczuk, provides an example of the caustic and bigoted responses that are received in return and perpetuated by people who think that it is reasonable to label a whole section of a population. In this instance, self-styled ‘developer and problem solver’, Dino Fancellu, who has a UKIP

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‘Anti-Muslim hate is normal’: research reveals impact of Islamophobic attacks
October 13, 2015 By Tell Mama

‘Anti-Muslim hate is normal’: research reveals impact of Islamophobic attacks

A new report’s revealed Muslims targeted in Islamophobic attacks are reluctant to report incidents and often receive little support from onlookers. Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks) commissioned the report, which found that ‘trigger’ events such as the terrorist attacks in Tunisia and Paris, the murder of Lee Rigby and the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal

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“We Fear for Our Lives”: Offline and Online Experiences of Anti-Muslim Hostility
October 12, 2015 By Faith Matters

“We Fear for Our Lives”: Offline and Online Experiences of Anti-Muslim Hostility

This report looks at the impact of on-line and off-line experiences of anti-Muslim hostility on British Muslims in the UK. It highlights how some male Muslims are failing to report in Institutional anti-Muslim prejudice for fear of being targeted and for fear that they will be seen to be ‘weak’ in the eyes of their […]

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Katie Hopkins: Muslim Hajjis Practice Sharia Stoning
September 25, 2015 By Tell Mama

Katie Hopkins: Muslim Hajjis Practice Sharia Stoning

This morning we highlighted deeply offensive comments by ‘Twitter’ spinner Karen Danczuk. It seems that the lives of 717 Muslim pilgrims becomes Twitter chatter for some. Never to miss an opportunity to build a career on inflammatory statements, Katie Hopkins has also jumped into the mix. Yesterday she tweeted the following: “717 pilgrims killed in

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People Die, Karen Danczuk Ponders What Message Allah Sends to Muslims
September 25, 2015 By Tell Mama

People Die, Karen Danczuk Ponders What Message Allah Sends to Muslims

You simply cannot make this up. Self-publicist and ‘live by Twitter’ Karen Danczuk decided to comment on the deaths of over 700 Muslim pilgrims in Mecca. The pilgrims were crushed as they carried out the sacred ceremony of the Hajj pilgrimage in the ancient city of Mecca. Instead of sending condolences, Danczuk decided to state

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