February 23, 2017 Faith Matters

Stolen Nazi gate returns to concentration camp

A stolen WWII gate bearing the infamous Nazi slogan.

Returning after two years to its home in Dachau, a former concentration camp in Germany.

It disappeared overnight in 2014 and only resurfaced in Norway in December after police followed an anonymous tip off.

The words “work sets you free” cast into this Iron Gate would have been one of the first things prisoners saw as they arrived, a symbol of the suffering they endured here.

On Sunday U.S. Vice President Mike Pence visited the site, its gas chambers, crematorium and old accommodation now serving as a memorial.

It was the first Nazi concentration camp, used as a prototype for what became a network of sites where millions were murdered.

In this camp alone there were 200,000 people by the time US troops liberated it in 1945.

Starved and diseased inmates and piles of bodies here became some of the first public images of the Holocaust atrocities.