Ensuring the celebration of pluralism within our work and in ensuring that the identities of people are valued in the rich mix which make up our country.
Faith Matters also believes that those who seek to impose their will and their outlook of life do not add to the sense of pluralism that is so much part of our country. Furthermore, we believe in values which include the right to speak freely within the framework of civil and criminal laws, ensuring that we stand against intolerance, hatred and prejudice where we come across it, and respect for the laws of the land. These are values that are fundamental to our work.
Faith Matters places human rights at the core of its work and is led by this fundamental universal value. This means placing a focus on the rights of individuals and with a focus on ensuring that their voice is heard in the national community projects that we undertake.
We ensure these core values by working within and complying with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. This means we:
Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act
Advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people who share protected characteristics and those who do not
Take steps to meet the needs of people with protected characteristics where these are different from the needs of others
Encourage all to participate in public life, particularly where their participation is proportionately low (including women and young people)
More specifically our work attempts to:
Address inequality, isolation, marginalisation and discrimination of individuals and communities and work towards removing barriers to inclusion and integration of diverse communities
Work with people of all faiths and of no faith, to promote dialogue, understanding and harmony between diverse individuals, families and communities
Help to build trust and confidence in statutory partners and their role in tackling inequality and the risks and drivers that can lead to radicalisation
Support statutory and all partners in protecting young people, adults and families from domestic abuse, hate crimes and bullying and comply with Safeguarding requirements in relation to both children, young people and adults
Work towards an increased understanding of the psychology of radicalisation and its drivers and foster open debate about related issues including those of identity and difference
Support statutory partners in protecting young people, adults and families from radicalisation
Proactively enable and support community led and partnership approaches to all initiatives
We commit to act in the public interest at all times, to be open, honest transparent and accountable in all that we do, submitting to scrutiny if required and challenge unacceptable behaviour if and when necessary.
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