Faith Matters hosted a bilateral youth exchange in London. The exchange included 20 British and Italian young people who were between 18-25 years old of age. The aim of this exchange was to allow young people to explore their European identity in relation to their religious and cultural identities. By undertaking various workshops and activities, the young people looked in depth at what cultural diversity means to them and how it can be of strength and how this can be integrated into the values of being a Young European citizen. Participants work all together to draft a charter including the values they would like the European Union to promote as well as a call for action addressed to European authorities.
‘This exchange allowed me to open my mind because there are a lot of differences between people but there are also a lot of common things. During the exchange, I learnt to accept all the people for what they are and not to judge them for how they seem to be. I think that when I come back to Italy I will give this message to my family and friends and try to teach them that we are all equals.’
Antonella, Italian participant
Thank you for their time and support:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and British Council.
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