The latest video from Daesh or the so-called Islamic State shows a range of threats against European capitals with a narration that highlights landmarks in London, Paris and Rome. In one of the scenes, the Eiffel Tower is seen to be toppling over and the view promoted is that the capitals of Europe are not safe.
In another frame, lettering referring to Belgium is seen to crumble apart in the video entitled, “Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands”. Footage showing the attacks on the Twin Towers on 9/11 are highlighted and also show the ideological roots of Daesh with its Al Qaeda influences.
The narrator goes onto say:
“If it was Paris yesterday, and today in Brussels, Allah knows where it will be tomorrow?”
“Maybe it will be in London or Berlin or Rome.”
The video is the latest in a line of releases, though the release may well be associated with two objectives. The first is to promote fear and the second is to try and recruit individuals who may be succeptible to the messages of Daesh. Regarding the latter, the influence of Daesh may be waning after high profile murders of people in Paris and Brussels, which also led to revulsion within Muslim communities. In the meantime, all Europeans can do, is to remain vigilant and carry on with their lives as normally as possible.