Interfaith throughout the years has become more of an important feature in British Society, for instance according to the Interfaith Network (based on the 2001 census), 76.8% of the British population identify themselves as belonging to a faith group. The UK enjoys and celebrates a multi-faith society and Faith Matters ensures that that there is a continued celebration of this key social phenomenon which strengthens our country.
The lack of Interfaith dialogue can lead to religious misunderstanding and bigotry which can often lead to conflict. Faith Matters works to ensure that such a situation never arises and where it has, Faith Matters has been the first to intervene such as in conflicts between young Sikhs and Muslims in England. Understanding about different faiths in the UK is paramount to creating an understanding and a more inclusive set of communities within our country.
These are some examples of our interfaith programmes that have been conducted by Faith Matters:
Sikh and Muslim interfaith programme (Muslim and Sikh Media Monitoring & Response Programme):
The Our Faiths and Our Shared Futures Programme:
The Righteous Muslims Booklet: