Flier in Lesbos refugee camp filled with lies about Sweden/refugee situation. No comment from supposed signers. -SN pic.twitter.com/y4HnDeDerE — b9AcE (@b9AcE) November 7, 2015 A controversial flyer warning refugees against coming to Sweden is the work of the Sweden Democrats (SD). On Monday, the far-right party’s communication manager confirmed that party members are distributing these flyers in seventeen cities on Europe’s border. Under the headline of “No money, no jobs, no homes” the flyer argues that mass immigration made Sweden a hotbed for violent crime. It claims that Sweden ‘demonstrates the second highest number of rape reports in the entire world’. Others made a similar argument on the Gatestone Institute website in February 2015. But both miss the point. Rising crime figures do not suggest an epidemic, rather a shift in public attitudes, and policing methods. Take for example, in 2005, when Sweden passed a new sexual offences legislation. This change meant that incidents once classed as sexual exploitation are now classed as rape. In 2013, legislative amendments broadened the definition of rape to included victims deemed passive. The ease of alcohol and internet access are other societal factors police use to explain the rising incident levels. Comparing rape statistics [...]
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