“Bet you don’t have other people reporting to you,” is the usual Twitter commentary that some people say, who do not know about our values. Or the alternative is, “What about Christians and Christianophobia? What do you do about that, bet you don’t do anything?” We just highlighted a brief response to a piece in
The post Sikhs Are Not Forgotten & Should Be in Hate Crime Work appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue Reading“Bet you don’t have other people reporting to you,” is the usual Twitter commentary that some people say, who do not know about our values. Or the alternative is, “What about Christians and Christianophobia? What do you do about that, bet you don’t do anything?” We just highlighted a brief response to a piece in
The post Sikhs Are Not Forgotten & Should Be in Hate Crime Work appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue Reading“Bet you don’t have other people reporting to you,” is the usual Twitter commentary that some people say, who do not know about our values. Or the alternative is, “What about Christians and Christianophobia? What do you do about that, bet you don’t do anything?” We just highlighted a brief response to a piece in
The post Sikhs Are Not Forgotten & Should Be in Hate Crime Work appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue Reading“Bet you don’t have other people reporting to you,” is the usual Twitter commentary that some people say, who do not know about our values. Or the alternative is, “What about Christians and Christianophobia? What do you do about that, bet you don’t do anything?” We just highlighted a brief response to a piece in
The post Sikhs Are Not Forgotten & Should Not Be in Hate Crime Work appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingThere has been an increasing focus on what it means to be a citizen in society in recent years; the nature of responsibilities, rights and how different aspects of our identity contribute towards shaping our sense of belonging.[1] In this debate, the Islamic perspective becomes even more complex. Muslims in Britain often pose many questions: Who am I? Where do I belong? Where do my loyalties lie? Am I a British Muslim or a Muslim living in Britain? Am I part of an Islamic umma ‘Nations’? What are my responsibilities towards my umma? All these questions are important and deserve thorough consideration; but “is there indeed a Muslim identity and, if so, is it of a religious or a cultural context?”[2] In essence, is it permitted for Muslims to be a citizen of a non-Muslim state? From an Islamic point of view, citizenship is wholly religious, and this is based on the principles “enshrined in the revealed word of Allah in the Holy Qur’an and on the action, judgment and conduct of His Prophet [Muhammad]”.[3] The Qur’an tells us that God created Adam to be his vice-regent on Earth. The late Prof. Zaki Badawi, who worked tirelessly toward integrating Muslim [...]
The post Scholar’s corner: on citizenship and Islam appeared first on Religious Reader.
Continue ReadingSince Jack Straw’s comments exactly a decade ago, the Niqab has been in political debate which at times have become heightened. Currently, there are reports that the Prime Minister is considering a ban on the veil in schools, courts and other public institutions. No doubt, the Niqab will become the subject of much debate over
The post With the Niqab Being a Political Football, Let’s Listen to the Voice of One Who Wears It appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingOver the last few months, we have received a number of cases involving schools and where Muslim young people have been interviewed on the back of alleged comments that they have made within the school environment. A growing number of parents have reported into us that their children have been questioned on the back of
The post Over-Reactions on Prevent Are Causing Fears Within Muslim Students appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingOver the last few months, we have received a number of cases involving schools and where Muslim young people have been interviewed on the back of alleged comments that they have made within the school environment. A growing number of parents have reported into us that their children have been questioned on the back of
The post Over-Reactions on Prevent Are Causing Fears Within Muslim Students appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingOver the last few months, we have received a number of cases involving schools and where Muslim young people have been interviewed on the back of alleged comments that they have made within the school environment. A growing number of parents have reported into us that their children have been questioned on the back of
The post Over-Reactions on Prevent Are Causing Fears Within Muslim Students appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingOver the last few months, we have received a number of cases involving schools and where Muslim young people have been interviewed on the back of alleged comments that they have made within the school environment. A growing number of parents have reported into us that their children have been questioned on the back of
The post Over-Reactions on Prevent Are Causing Fears Within Muslim Students appeared first on TELL MAMA.
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