
July 4, 2015 By Tell Mama

Banner Inciting Hate Unfurled by EDL in Sheffield

The EDL have also suggested that they are against ‘radical’ Islam. They have tried to suggest that they are not prejudiced and that they have been targeted, as if they have been hard done by. Each time they try and make this case, a bone seems to fall out of their mouth which proves what a

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July 2, 2015 By Tell Mama

Ahmaddiya Mosque Attacked in Wolverhampton

We have been informed of an attack on the Baitul Atta mosque in Wolverhampton on the 21st of June 2015. The incident took place at 4:15 am and CCTV pictures in the mosque picked up an Asian male throwing a brick through the window of this mosque.This incident comes on the back of the Shia

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June 30, 2015 By Tell Mama

Response from the Prime Minister’s Office on anti-Muslim Hate

This is a letter received from the Office of the Prime Minister in response to our briefing on anti-Muslim hate which we sent through. The letter is a timely reminder of what binds us all in the United Kingdom. “I am writing on behalf of the Prime Minister to thank you for your recent letter,

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June 27, 2015 By Tell Mama

Bigoted anti-Muslim Graphics Start to do the Rounds

The following is an example of the kind of graphic that is doing the rounds after the terrible terrorist bombings in Kuwait, Tunisia and France. With 15 British nationals killed in Tunisia, at a time when we should all be thinking of their families and how we can stand against together against those who seek

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The Role of Righteous Muslims, Printed in German by Faith Matters
July 30, 2014 By Faith Matters

The Role of Righteous Muslims, Printed in German by Faith Matters

We have printed the Role of Righteous Muslims, Muslims who saved Jews in the Holocaust, in German. The booklet has now been printed in Arabic, German and English and we have circulated over 8,000 booklets electronically and in hard copy form within the UK. We hope that the Role of Righteous Muslims booklet serves as […]

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September 13, 2012 By Faith Matters

Role of Righteous Muslims Booklet in Hebrew

Faith Matters developed the Role of Righteous Muslims Booklet in order to document the stories of Muslims, driven by their faith and the code of honour (BESA), to protect the lives of persecuted Jews in the Holocaust. The code of honour or BESA was fundamental to Albania and many Albanian Muslims protected fellow Jewish Albanians […]

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The Muslim and Sikh Media Monitoring and Response Project
August 4, 2010 By Faith Matters

The Muslim and Sikh Media Monitoring and Response Project

The Muslim and Sikh Media Monitoring and Response project was primarily targeted towards Sikh and Muslim communities within West London and targetted a variety of groups such as students, parents, religious and organisational leaders and individuals involved in the political life of this country. The programme has worked primarily within the London Borough of Ealing […]

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Faith Matters International Projects:
April 20, 2010 By Faith Matters

Faith Matters International Projects:

Faith Matters has numerous branches across the globe. We undertake the following: Faith Matters has also overseen two international ‘micro-finance’ projects which support the development of small businesses in Jerusalem, Israel and the West Bank in Palestine. The Jerusalem Interest Free Fund: The fund provides small business and study loans to. The fund offers the […]

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