
August 6, 2015 By Tell Mama

Car Tyres Slashed in Essex. Owner who is Visibly Muslim Believes Anti-Muslim in Nature

Essex based Muslim, (who is visibly Muslim), reported in what he believes is an anti-Muslim targeted hate crime. The individual had parked his vehicle at a seaside town and there were several cars that were also parked next to his. He came back to find that his vehicle had had its tyres slashed and there

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August 6, 2015 By Tell Mama

Chelsea Football Fans Assault Muslim Female on Saturday After Arsenal & Chelsea Match

We have been informed by a female Muslim victim of an assault that took place against her on Saturday after the Arsenal and Chelsea game in Wembley. At around 6 pm, a mother was sitting at a bus-stop in Wembley Central. She was wearing the Hijab and some Chelsea fans walked by her and then

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August 4, 2015 By Tell Mama

Muslim Family Abused & Husband Made to Clean the Toilet in Seaside Resort

Having worked with about 4,000 individuals in the last 3 years, there are times when a case is shocking and we were contacted by a Muslim family who were humiliated after spending a few hours at the seaside. This is their story and highlights a growing trend towards aggressive threats made to individuals who are

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August 3, 2015 By Tell Mama

British National Party Facebook Page Draws in Threats Against Mosques

The fascist group, the British National Party, posted the ‘No more mosques’ poster with a view to play to the fears of some individuals in our communities. As is expected from such Facebook pages, they also draw in those who are more disposed to displaying outright hostility to Muslims, or in some cases, suggesting that

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August 2, 2015 By Tell Mama

Bournemouth Incident Shows Aggression Towards Hijabis

All of the data that we have accumulated to date shows that at a street level, visible Muslim women are the ones that are predominantly targeted for anti-Muslim hate incidents and crimes. We received this text today from an individual who reported into TELL MAMA and this highlights the kinds of issues that some Hijab

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August 1, 2015 By Tell Mama

Behaviour That Tramples on the Dignity of Our Nation

This video has come to light of a young woman abusing an Asian man who was seated next to her. The female loses her composure and is seen to abuse the Asian male and tell him to ‘go back to your country.’ After numerous hate filled statements she goes onto suggests that individuals like him, ‘want

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July 31, 2015 By Tell Mama

We are Walsall – Together We Can Overcome Hate

In Walsall, the various parts of our diverse community live together in harmony. We have a strong tradition of mutual respect and get along fine. It’s important that we keep this tradition, resisting any attempts to divide us. On Saturday 15th August the group calling itself the ‘English Defence League’ plans to come to Walsall again. On the

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July 30, 2015 By Tell Mama

Prevent: Our Responsibility to the Public

We have been asked by members of Muslim communities about Prevent and whether people can report in cases where they think that there has been anti-Muslim prejudice in Prevent related work. We have received some cases where people have reported in Prevent related issues to us, where they felt that their child has been targeted

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July 28, 2015 By Tell Mama

Intersectionality That Deserves Our Understanding

Today we were contacted by a young woman who recently converted to Islam and who has been through a number of issues, not of her own doing, though where she is struggling to be accepted. A few months ago, this young woman, who has transitioned and who is living her life as a woman, suffered

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July 28, 2015 By Tell Mama

Remember this next time you buy your Kebab (from a Turk), say Britain First Facebook posters

The precarious situation in the Middle East has come to the forefront, with the bombing of ISIS positions by the Turkish Air Force. Having taken the decision to militarily degrade ISIS, it seems that Britain First and its supporters have decided to vent their fury at Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The anti-Muslim and anti-Turkish bigotry

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