Not to be outdone in waxing lyrical about ‘Jihad’, the extremist far right group Pegida UK, (led by the sadly unreformed agent provocateur Stephen Yaxley Lennon – aka Tommy Robinson), have decided that they will oppose mosques. Clearly someone has failed to inform them that mosques already exist in our country. However, not to be
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Continue ReadingThe Daily Star on Sunday must print a clarification that its investigation into UK mosques raising funds for terrorism was significantly misleading. A journalist for the newspaper had posed as a man wanting to transfer money abroad “with the help of a group of Bradford-based Isis sympathisers”. The original print headline published on November 22,
The post Daily Star on Sunday amends misleading story on UK mosques appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingThe Daily Star on Sunday must print a clarification that its investigation into UK mosques raising funds for terrorism was significantly misleading. A journalist for the newspaper had posed as a man wanting to transfer money abroad “with the help of a group of Bradford-based Isis sympathisers”. The original print headline published on November 22,
The post Daily Star on Sunday amends misleading story on UK mosques appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingThe planning application for an Ahmadiyya mosque in Scunthorpe has been highlighted by the Scunthorpe Telegraph. We understand that some members of the local Muslim community also objected to the planning application for this mosque and various reasons were given from mosques already being present and functioning in the area, through to the design and
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Continue ReadingThe planning application for an Ahmadiyya mosque in Scunthorpe has been highlighted by the Scunthorpe Telegraph. We understand that some members of the local Muslim community also objected to the planning application for this mosque and various reasons were given from mosques already being present and functioning in the area, through to the design and
The post Divisions in Scunthorpe Need Cool & Level Heads on Ahmaddiya Mosque Application appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingThe planning application for an Ahmadiyya mosque in Scunthorpe has been highlighted by the Scunthorpe Telegraph. We understand that some members of the local Muslim community also objected to the planning application for this mosque and various reasons were given from mosques already being present and functioning in the area, through to the design and
The post Divisions in Scunthorpe Need Cool & Level Heads on Ahmaddiya Mosque Application appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingThe planning application for an Ahmadiyya mosque in Scunthorpe has been highlighted by the Scunthorpe Telegraph. We understand that some members of the local Muslim community also objected to the planning application for this mosque and various reasons were given from mosques already being present and functioning in the area, through to the design and
The post Divisions in Scunthorpe Need Cool & Level Heads on Ahmaddiya Mosque Application appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingOver the last few months, we have received a number of cases involving schools and where Muslim young people have been interviewed on the back of alleged comments that they have made within the school environment. A growing number of parents have reported into us that their children have been questioned on the back of
The post Over-Reactions on Prevent Are Causing Fears Within Muslim Students appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingOver the last few months, we have received a number of cases involving schools and where Muslim young people have been interviewed on the back of alleged comments that they have made within the school environment. A growing number of parents have reported into us that their children have been questioned on the back of
The post Over-Reactions on Prevent Are Causing Fears Within Muslim Students appeared first on TELL MAMA.
Continue ReadingOver the last few months, we have received a number of cases involving schools and where Muslim young people have been interviewed on the back of alleged comments that they have made within the school environment. A growing number of parents have reported into us that their children have been questioned on the back of
The post Over-Reactions on Prevent Are Causing Fears Within Muslim Students appeared first on TELL MAMA.
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