
August 16, 2013 By Faith Matters

Reverend Rana Khan Delivers the Bishop Vaughan Memorial Lecture

BISHOP VAUGHAN MEMORIAL LECTURE, By Revd Rana Youab Khan, International Interreligious Dialogues Assistant to the Archbishop of Canterbury on 15TH MAY 2012 at the Parish of Oystermouth, Swansea “Interfaith Dialogue in the Post 9/11 World with a special reference to Dr Rowan Williams Archbishop of Canterbury” This is a speech given by Rev Rana Khan, […]

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April 29, 2013 By Faith Matters

The Muslims who saved Jewish people from the Holocaust

Righteous Muslims. Muslims who saved Jews in the Holocaust by Faith Matters and the Board of Deputies of British Jews It’s often said that the study of the past can help to illuminate our present, and that’s certainly the case in relation to a recent Holocaust exhibition held at the Board of Deputies of British […]

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St George’s Day Declaration By Christian-Muslim Groups
April 22, 2013 By Faith Matters

St George’s Day Declaration By Christian-Muslim Groups

St George’s Day Declaration By Christian-Muslim Groups: ‘Hijab Should Be As Welcome As Bangers And Mash’ The hijab should be as welcome as “bangers and mash” in England, a coalition of religious groups and campaigners have said, in an appeal for unity to mark St George’s day. Groups including the Muslim Council of Britain and […]

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April 19, 2013 By Faith Matters

Boston Bombings – Call for Calm

LONDON – Whilst the terrible events of the Boston Marathon are still fresh in our minds, and the shooting of two police officers and a suspect in a nearby suburb are understandably causing press speculation about the faith and ethnicity of those involved, Faith Matters ( urges media and commentators to report with sensitivity as news […]

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The Muslims who saved Jews from the Holocaust
April 18, 2013 By Faith Matters

The Muslims who saved Jews from the Holocaust

A new exhibition aims to celebrate the role Muslims played in saving Jewish lives during the Holocaust. The Righteous Muslim Exhibition is being launched at the Board of Deputies of British Jews in Bloomsbury, central London. Photographs of 70 Muslims who sheltered Jews during World War II will be displayed alongside stories detailing their acts […]

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February 11, 2013 By Faith Matters

Why is Interfaith Both Difficult & Necessary

This short article doesn’t offer space for full exploration of why some people find inter faith, especially Christian-Muslim engagement, difficult. Over the last seven years the Christian Muslim Forum has seen that some, especially people from more conservative traditions, don’t see the importance of inter faith, seeing it as detracting from serving God in one’s […]

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Speech Given by the Director of Faith Matters & the TELL MAMA Campaign at the TELL MAMA Fundraising Dinner
January 27, 2013 By Faith Matters

Speech Given by the Director of Faith Matters & the TELL MAMA Campaign at the TELL MAMA Fundraising Dinner

Lord, Ladies, Your Excellencies and Honourable guests, We welcome you to the first annual dinner of the TELL MAMA national project. Many of you will know that the project supports victims of anti-Muslim prejudice and also maps, measures and analyses hotspot areas of where such anti-Muslim incidents take place. The reason that this project came […]

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Speech given by the Rt Hon Baroness Warsi to Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks). Originally given at Tell MAMA fundraising dinner, London. This is the text of the speech as drafted, which may differ slightly from the delivered version
January 25, 2013 By Faith Matters

Speech given by the Rt Hon Baroness Warsi to Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks). Originally given at Tell MAMA fundraising dinner, London. This is the text of the speech as drafted, which may differ slightly from the delivered version

It’s nearly 2 years to the day since I made that speech about Islamophobia. At the time I talked about the scourge of anti-Muslim hatred. From violence on the streets to vitriol online. And, dare I say it, derogatory comments at the dinner table… When I said that Islamophobia had ‘passed the dinner table test’. […]

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January 25, 2013 By Faith Matters

‘Muslim Patrols’ by a Handful of Individuals are Simply Ludicrous

The recent furore on the ‘Muslim Patrols’ shows the continued fear and trepidation that many feel when Muslims or Islam are used. The recent You Tube postings by a handful of individuals where they harassed passers by outside the East London mosque in Tower Hamlets actually highlighted the stupidity of these two individuals and the […]

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Fundraising Dinner for the TELL MAMA, Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks National Project
January 3, 2013 By Faith Matters

Fundraising Dinner for the TELL MAMA, Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks National Project

We hope that you can join us for what will be, an annual event, not just for Muslim communities, but for all those working against hate crimes in our country. Having launched in March 2012, we believe that no-one in this country should be subjected to hate or humiliation because of their identity or their […]

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