Faith Matters Projects

December 20, 2010 By Faith Matters

Community Cohesion

Community cohesion is fundamental and integral to the work of Faith Matters. The starting root of our work within Faith Matters and which was a driving force for the founder, Fiyaz Mughal OBE FCMI, was the desire to build cohesion between Muslim and Jewish communities and the work of the Organisation has grown from there. […]

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December 20, 2010 By Faith Matters


Integration of different faith communities into the mainstream of UK society is  one of many projects that Faith Matters devises and co-ordinates. Integration is fundamental in ensuring that faith communities do not feel isolated and excluded and this can lead to a range of issues with extremism and fundamentalism being two social phenomenon that can […]

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Faith Leadership Through Chaplaincy: Experiences from Muslim Communities: Summary of Issues and Recommendations from Consultations with Chaplains, Sector Leaders and Communities
December 7, 2010 By Faith Matters

Faith Leadership Through Chaplaincy: Experiences from Muslim Communities: Summary of Issues and Recommendations from Consultations with Chaplains, Sector Leaders and Communities

This is a report that outlines the views of Muslim chaplains, sector leaders and Muslim communities as well as other faith communities on faith leadership. This work was undertaken over a 7 month period and took in a number of key organisations that work with Muslim and other faith communities. This is a unique report […]

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The English Defence League: Challenging Our Country and Our Values of Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equality
November 20, 2010 By Faith Matters

The English Defence League: Challenging Our Country and Our Values of Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equality

The English Defence League: Challenging Our Country and Our Values of Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equality. A detailed report on key leaders within the English Defence League, their funders and those that formulate its strategy. This report is a damning insight into a group that promotes a non-racist image, yet those aligned and linked to […]

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Developing a Local Narrative Against Extremism
September 26, 2010 By Faith Matters

Developing a Local Narrative Against Extremism

The Our Faiths and Our Shared Futures booklet is the culmination of 1 years work with imams, priests and rabbis in Derby. The booklet looks at scriptural narratives that underscore the need for (1) the respect of difference (2) the protection of life (3) countering extremism. The booklet is made up of the work of […]

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August 17, 2010 By Faith Matters

Our Shared Faiths Our Shared Futures

What is ‘Our Faiths and Our Shared Futures’ Booklet about? The purpose of this booklet was to show the connections between the different communities of Barnet, Enfield and Haringey. The Our Faiths and Our Shared Futures programme celebrated the fact that faith is a positive thing that could bring the young people of Barnet, Enfield […]

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The Muslim and Sikh Media Monitoring and Response Project
August 4, 2010 By Faith Matters

The Muslim and Sikh Media Monitoring and Response Project

The Muslim and Sikh Media Monitoring and Response project was primarily targeted towards Sikh and Muslim communities within West London and targetted a variety of groups such as students, parents, religious and organisational leaders and individuals involved in the political life of this country. The programme has worked primarily within the London Borough of Ealing […]

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The Role of Righteous Muslims
July 2, 2010 By Faith Matters

The Role of Righteous Muslims

THE ROLE OF RIGHTEOUS MUSLIMS: HEROES SAVING LIVES IN THE HOLOCAUST This booklet, (the Role of Righteous Muslims), is aimed at broadening knowledge and awareness of the roles that some Muslims took during the Holocaust and whose stories show the moral and physical courage of these individuals who believed in doing what was right. Today, […]

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Developing Diversity Directory
June 7, 2010 By Faith Matters

Developing Diversity Directory

The Developing Diversity Directory has been developed by Faith Matters over the last year and through contact and consultation with over 480 mosques in England. Faith Matters undertook focus groups with Muslim women in England around 5 key areas they wanted to see within mosques in terms of core service delivery and each of the […]

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Youth Faith Champions
May 18, 2010 By Faith Matters

Youth Faith Champions

More than ever, it is clear that faith plays an important part in some of the lives of young people in our country and a role that inspires social justice and common action for the good of communities. Faith Matters has set up a Youth Champion’s Interfaith Panel which helps us to develop our projects […]

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