October 15, 2015 Tell Mama

Anti-Muslim Bigotry – Caught on Camera

If you thought that individuals from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities did not get involved in bigotry – think again! This video has come to light of a woman from a BME community group who spouts anti-Muslim bigotry and which is overheard by individuals and families on this bus. It is a truly shocking incident and shows the worst of humanity.

We hear regularly about issues on public transport that lead to anti-Muslim bigotry being promoted, yet seeing this on camera still brings a chill to the viewer. The most depressing thing about such material is that the perpetrator has probably suffered bigotry and prejudice in her life at some time, yet she is now involved in promoting it against these women who wear the Islamic headscarf or Hijab. The full video can be viewed below.



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